Museum Minute: Sauce & Alive

By 42Kites Team
1 min read
#1 Sauce
Thankfully 42Kites is based in Florida, so we don’t ever see white stuff falling from the sky. But right now there is snow covering large parts of the United States and that means for a lot of people it’s cold outside! You can warm them up with your own museum-branded hot sauce. 🔥
As a fun promotion to get people in the door during the cold months, buy 240 bottles of this white label hot sauce (this means you can design the label with your logo and colors!) for $977 and increase the price of museum admission by $4 to cover the hot sauce cost.
You get more people in the door… they get a museum experience… AND hot sauce.
Once you get the hot sauce, take a picture of all the bottles in your museum and post that photo on on all your social accounts with something like “First 240 guests get a free bottle of |Museum Name| Hot Sauce… now it’s 239… now it’s 238”.
#2 Alive
What’s your museum about? Can you offer real life (aka: alive) professionals working space in your museum?
That’s exactly what the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis did! They have dinosaur exhibits so they also have Paleontologists working there and kids can interact with them… as talking to dead Paleontologists would be significantly less fun.
Click the button below and watch as Elizabeth Bostelman from the Association of Indiana Museums explains it.
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