Museum Minute: Signs & People


By 42Kites Team

1 min read


#1 Give ‘em something to talk about?

The Idaho Potato Museum (thanks to Hayley Noble for sharing) has a giant potato with their name on it out in front of their museum… and what do you think people do when they see the giant spud? They take a photo and post it on their social media account (aka: free promotion).

What type of giant sign, sculpture, potato, etc… with your museum name on it can you create to encourage guests to share it on social media?

#2 Don’t do it alone

If you had to guess… what’s one of the TOP reasons why the Museum at Prairiefire is so successful? Click the screenshot below and Terri Thompson (the Executive Director at the museum) will tell you.

HINT: it doesn’t have to cost any money!


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Go Behind the Scenes with These Museum Innovators: