We Find A Sponsor for Your Museum.
You Get Free 42Kites Devices.
No cost. No effort. All the Premium 42Kites devices you want, fully funded by local sponsors

Don’t compete with thousands of other museums for limited grants.
Instead, let us find you a local sponsor to pay for the entire system. Here's why it works well:

1. You Sign Up → 2. We Find You a Sponsor → 3. You Get Free Devices
1. You Sign Up
2. We Find You a Sponsor
3. You Get Free Devices
Sponsorship, Your Way.
Some organizations are happy to sponsor your devices out of goodwill, while others may need a bit more incentive.
While this is entirely optional, allowing sponsors to include a banner or text link on your Experiences can help you receive your devices faster. These links would direct users to the sponsor’s website.
If you choose to allow this, you’ll have full control—you can review and approve any banners or text links before they go live.
Visually, a banner will appear as a small rectangle, and a text link will simply be a line of text. It would look similar to the car dealership banner shown in this example:
Note: In the example above, the banner / text link is placed at the TOP of the Experience but it can also be placed at the BOTTOM.
Local companies are waiting to sponsor devices for your museum